‘Phil, Dom, I’m a surrealist.’
I have always struggled with fitting in in the everyday. The so-called ‘reality’ has always felt like a set from a foreign movie. The appropriate technical term would be ‘uncanny’. I think the film was about art. Maybe it was art, too. Either way, it was easier to make sense of it as art since art does not have to make sense. Never mind.
Anyway, I met this guy. He had read this book he thought I should read. So, I read it. As it turns out, many of my concerns have been productively dealt with by surrealists, situationists, and the like. They have also messed with the art-everyday distinction and preferred the process over its residue. Not to speak of the epic theatre that emphasized ‘the audience’s perspective and reaction to the piece through a variety of techniques that deliberately cause them to individually engage in a different way’. There goes the novelty of my research question. I’ll have to cut out another knowledge gap. Or just stay uncannily surreal and proud.