It’s in the shopping arcade under The Capitol on Swanston St (or if you prefer walking the laneways, head straight to 10 Presgrave Place). I will be there during reasonable waking hours, 31 Oct - 6 Nov 2022, but you’ll be able to see some good frames 24/7.
Framing night Wednesday,
November 2, at 6 pm.

An open artist's studio
A pop-up framing boutique
A participatory situation
A public space for private experiences
A site-responsive blahblahblah
A heavily overframed undertaking
The intimacy of the artist’s process, publicly exposed. A precious sculpture cut open. A graffiti epos brought indoors. That evasive boundary between private and public traced, tweaked and reframed.
The art frame is just another boundary, presupposing art on one side and non-art on the other. But where is that frame in sculpture? In sound art? In a participatory situation? In aesthetic experience at large? What frames what? Who frames what? What frames whom? Does it matter? Is art to life what private is to public? Or the other way round? What happens when art and life cannot be told apart? Can blurred boundaries be productive of new meanings?
I will start by reframing a partially unarted sculpture by Martin George. I am not sure how. I don’t even know what that means. Maybe nothing yet. Please join me in an open-ended exploration!
Generously supported by
Framing proceedings on-site

More pictures and reflections are available on the "Select framings" page.