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Joseph Kosuth (1993 [1966-1990]):

"Perhaps art consists of experiencing abstractions of experience" (Ibid., 122)

"…artist-as-anthropologist’s theory as praxis" (ibid., 117)

"A non-static ‘depiction’ of art’s (and thereby culture’s) operational infrastructure is the aim of an anthropologized art" (ibid., 121)



"Artifacts are facts of sorts" (Ibid., 16)

"Conceptual art experiments with the reduction of art objects to concepts (…) A work of art (…) equals questioning what art is, a depiction of how whatever is taken as art is framed and situated. It makes art out of its audiences and their reactions" (ibid., 7)

Kosuth, Joseph. 1993. Art after Philosophy and after: Collected Writings, 1966-1990. 1st MIT Press pbk. ed. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.

​Ssorin-Chaikov, Nikolai. 2013. “Ethnographic Сonceptualism.” Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research 5 (2): 5–18.

Creative practice PhD project "Porosity of the Frame" by Justas Pipinis. Keywords: uncertainty, framing, sensemaking.

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