VITRINE DISPLAY at ASSEMBLY POINT (Outside 152 Sturt St., Southbank, Melbourne), 4-31 July 2022,
was an evolving framing of everyday as art and vice versa. You could watch, you could chat, you could frame or be framed. Maybe you added something or took something away. When Godot was coming, you may have been having coffees, disregarding anything art. But then again, you may have been part of art while doing so. Who can tell what is not art nowadays?
Assembly Point is managed by Creative Spaces,
a program of the City of Melbourne

My sincere thanks to everybody who joined the exploration, whether you made yourself known to me or not! The show has moved out from the vitrines and into the digital space. I will keep processing the images and thoughts collected, publishing some of them here. So, watch this space and feel free to reach out would you have any further thoughts or comments to share! Thanks again; you are the best!
/Justas, the exhibitioneer
---- SUN 31/7 -

Dance improvisation in the "invisible" vitrine #4 by Brendan Cooper
Traces of art watching encounters in the "inverted" vitrine #2
A frame from an unarting performance
by Andrea Reichert, Madelynne Cornish and Tilly in vitrine #2