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Vitrine Display / July 2022 / assembly point, Melbourne

Vitrine Display Pin

  #01   #02   #03   #04   #05

More of the same is something different.

---- SUN 24/7 -


The same fragment of everyday inside and outside the frame. 
What difference does a frame make? 
---- TUE 19/7 -


‘What is that eucalyptus waiting for,’ wondered F. ‘To be admired, perhaps? Or is he too busy to care, just working away doing tree stuff?’

---- THU 14/7 -


The cobwebs on the sign are gone.
Was it the rain or the power of art?

---- SUN 10/7 -


'Could you write it more obscure, obtuse, and – dare I say – poetic,' E encouraged.

'Maybe, cut some words,' A attempted apologetically aggressively.

'Fine, I'll axe it to poetry.'

---- FRI 8/7 -


'Oh, it’s this tree,' S said, pointing.

'Nah, the reality is a few meters further down.'

---- WED 6/7 -

'Amazing, it looks just like a picture mount,' M cried out.
'It's like a passe-partout,' I silently thought in a language or two.

---- MON 4/7 -

comments? questions? Reflections? suggestions? Provocations?
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Thank You! I'am looking forward to reading your message! /Justas

Creative practice PhD project "Porosity of the Frame" by Justas Pipinis. Keywords: uncertainty, framing, sensemaking.

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